Why us?

Communication breakdown, fake CVs, further dishonesty, ongoing screen tracking of the engineers to prevent cheating - all this makes many entrepreneurs avoid using outsourcing services... Until now

Hire engineers
Find suitable team members
  • Expand current business

    Engage with the development team that’s been working together.

  • Build a Start-Up

    Put a professional team together within your budget.

  • Scale up in-house team

    Add remote team members to extend your existing staff.


What makes us different from other platforms

Hiring time
Hiring focus
Predictable Costs
Automated payroll system
Trial period
Team scalability
Add-ons included in hourly rate
Vendor Assessment
Dedicated Account Manager
Developers Vetting
Code Quality Assurance
Workflow Reporting
Fraud Prevention
Cost-Saving Pricing
Similar online platforms
Up to a month
14 days
Onshore hiring
Up to a few months
2-7 Days
Let’s get started